Hello, I am Chih Hsiao.

With a rich background in fine art and human-computer interaction (HCI), Chih boasts over 20 years of expertise in designing software applications across diverse platforms, including web, television, social networks, mobile devices, and desktop operating systems.

Since the early 2000s, Chih has held prominent design leadership positions at renowned companies such as Apple, Yahoo, and Electronic Arts, enabling him to gain valuable experience across multiple industries, including advertising, gaming, search, and cloud technologies. Currently, he is at the forefront of a SaaS company, leading the UX and front-end development teams in creating cutting-edge products that center around AI-powered search technologies and big data analytics.


2000年代初頭から、ChihはApple、Yahoo、Electronic Artsなどの有名企業で重要なデザインリーダーシップのポジションに就き、広告、ゲーム、検索、クラウドテクノロジーなど複数の産業で貴重な経験を積んできました。現在はSaaS企業の最前線で、AIパワードの検索技術とビッグデータ分析を中心とした最先端の製品を創造するため、UXおよびフロントエンド開発チームを指導しています。

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