Hello, I am Chih Hsiao.
With a solid background in fine art and human-computer interaction (HCI), Chih brings over 20 years of experience in designing software applications for various platforms, including web, television, social networks, mobile devices, and desktop operating systems.
Throughout his career, Chih has held design leadership roles at companies like Apple, Yahoo, and Electronic Arts, working across industries such as advertising, gaming, search, and cloud technologies. Currently, he leads the UX and front-end development teams at a SaaS company, focusing on the development of innovative digital products centered on search technologies and AI-powered data analytics.
2000年代初頭から、ChihはApple、Yahoo、Electronic Artsといった著名な企業でデザインリーダーとして活躍し、広告、ゲーム、検索、クラウドテクノロジーといった幅広い業界で価値ある経験を積んできました。現在ではSaaS企業でUXおよびフロントエンド開発チームを率い、AIを活用した検索技術やビッグデータ分析を基盤とした革新的な製品の開発に注力しています。